Diane Davis - Inessential Solidarity; Rhetoric and Foreigner Relations (2010).jpg
![]() | Diane Davis - Inessential Solidarity; Rhetoric and Foreigner Relations (2010).jpg Rozmiar 56 KB |
Spotlighting a rhetorical “situation” irreducible to symbolic relations, Davis proposes quite provocatively that rhetoric—rather than ontology (Aristotle/Heidegger), epistemology (Descartes), or ethics (Levinas)—is “first philosophy.” The subject or “symbol-using animal” comes into being, Davis argues both with and against Emmanuel Levinas, only inasmuch as it responds to the other; the priority of the other is not a matter of the subject's choice, then, but of its inescapable predicament. Directing the reader’s attention to this inessential solidarity without which no meaning-making or determinate social relation would be possible, Davis aims to nudge rhetorical studies beyond the epistemological concerns that typically circumscribe theories of persuasion toward the examination of a more fundamental affectability, persuadability, responsivity.
- Index
- Kwame Botwe-Asamoah - Kwame Nkrumah's Politico-Cultural Thought and Politics; An African-Centered Paradigm for the Second Phase of the African Revolution (2005).jpg
- Tatsu Kambara - China And the Global Energy Crisis. Development and Prospects for China's Oil and Natural Gas (2007).jpg
- Geoffrey K. Fry - Politics of the Thatcher Revolution; An Interpretation of British Politics 1975 - 1990 (2008).jpg
- 001b04a7Sean Oliver-Dee - The Caliphate Question; The British Government and Islamic Governance (2009).jpg
- Cherry Bradshaw - Bloody nations; Мoral dilemmas for nations.jpg
- Howard M. Hensel - The legitimate use of military force; The just war tradition and the customary law of armed conflict (2008).jpg
- Mohamed Othman - Accountability for International Humanitarian Law Violations; The Case of Rwanda and East Timor (2005).jpg
- Benjamin MacQueen - Political Culture and Conflict Resolution in the Arab Middle East; Lebanon and Algeria (2009).jpg
- 001aef61Christopher Rowan - The Politics of Water in Africa; The European Union's Role in Development Aid Partnership (2009).jpg
- David Rain - Eaters Of The Dry Season; Circular Labor Migration In The West African Sahel (2000).jpg
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