001aef61Christopher Rowan - The Politics of Water in Africa; The European Union's Role in Development Aid ...

001aef61Christopher Rowan - The Politics of Water in Africa; The European Union's Role in Development Aid Partnership (2009).jpg
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The dilemmas of African development continue to haunt both African and western institutions and governments. Here Christopher Rowan offers an original interpretation of the evolving concept of partnership as it operates within the current relationship between the European Union and the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific group. Framing his discussion in terms of the human right to water, Rowan presents detailed case studies of water aid from the EU to Lesotho and Mozambique, and explores the persisting inequities in the discourse and processes of development. With a close analysis of the interaction between non-governmental organizations, local elites, states and international actors, this book is a timely and insightful addition to perspectives on relations between the global North and South.
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